Record Water Level Over The Dam
The United States Geological Service records Hoover Reservoir at an all-time high for April 3 at 897.53 feet above NGDV 1929, the marker for the normal lake height above sea level. The surge to overflow the dam began on April Fool’s Day rising to the record level early Wednesday morning.

Hi! & Good morning!
Was the Westerville News once called Westerville Suburbia (an) News from 1980-1986. I am looking for an article/piece written by Amy Byers Pressler on Todd Hurley; upcoming Chef. Would this be accessible online and do you have a link.
Thank you for your time!!
The most reliable, and probbly the only way, is to contact the Westerville History Museum which can show you where it may be online.
The Westerville News went through several owners over the years. Suburban News was purchase by the Dispatch which converted the local edition to Westerville News. Gannett bought the Dispatch and closed down the weeklies several years ago.