Shipping service employee saves Westerville grandmother from scam

Shipping service employee saves Westerville grandmother from scam. FOR MORE: Stay informed about Columbus and central Ohio news, weather and sports! Follow NBC4 on our website and social media channels:

An elderly woman was saved from a scam by the owner of PostNet. The owner of the shipping service company, Kinnari Patel, saved the woman from sending $12,500 in cash to a scammer in California.
The woman received a call from someone pretending to be a police officer, telling her she was under investigation and her bank accounts were going to be frozen.
The scammer convinced her to send him $12,500 in cash, which she went to withdraw from the bank. The woman then went to PostNet to mail the money to California when the owner, Kinnari Patel, noticed something was not right. She took the phone from the woman and spoke to the scammer, refusing to send the package.
The woman’s son arrived and convinced her that she was being scammed. The scammer continued to call the woman, but she eventually had to change her phone number, phone, and bank account.[ Read More ]