Joseph Clark Name School Superintendent

Joseph Clark
Westerville City Schools has selected Joseph Clark as their next superintendent, after launching an aggressive timeline to find a new chief executive at the beginning of the summer.
Clark is currently the superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools and is expected to start on October 1st, assuming successful contract negotiations. The board anticipates implementing a transition plan once these remaining steps in the process have been completed and introducing Dr. Clark to the staff, students, and community at that time.
The district launched an “aggressive timeline” to find a replacement for former Superintendent John Kellogg who left in June for another post. The board received applications from 19 people to become the district’s next leader and the other two finalists considered were Cameron M. Ryba and Adham C. Schirg. Nearly 1,000 community members, staff, and students provided input during the recruitment process.
Here’s who Westerville City Schools picked for next district superintendent
Westerville City Schools selected Joseph Clark, Nordonia Schools superintendent, as next head of the district on Friday.