Navigating Teenage Life

In today’s digital age, teenagers grapple with a myriad of challenges. From the pressures of social media to the overwhelming feelings of self-doubt, stress, and anxiety, the adolescent years can be difficult, at best. Recognizing the need for guidance, Maya Chaffin, a graduate of Westerville High School, penned a guidebook aptly titled “How to Survive as a Christian Teenager.”

Westerville North graduate writes book to help young adult navigate life as a teenager

Author Maya Chaffin said all young people who read her book can pick up principles to help them navigate life as a teenager.

At first glance, the title might suggest a religious undertone. However, Maya emphasizes that the book’s principles are universal and can resonate with all young individuals, regardless of their faith.

The inspiration behind this enlightening read traces back to the pandemic lockdown. As a student, Maya confronted feelings of profound loneliness. She recalls the daunting challenge of attending AP Chemistry classes online and the isolation that came with remote learning.

Maya has transitioned from a high school graduate to a college student at Howard University.

How to Survive as a Christian Teenager” is available on Amazon.